Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “God created light” – from Genesis 1:3-5 as apart of the “Creation and Fall” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Back to the Beginning” – from Genesis 1:1-2 as apart of the “Creation and Fall” series.
Guest Preacher Brian Harper, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “A Jewel from the Authorised Version” – from Matthew 6:13.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Stand Firm in the Faith” – Part 2 – from 1 Peter 5:12-14 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Stand Firm in the Faith” – from 1 Peter 5:8-11 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Humility in Suffering” – from 1 Peter 5:5-7 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Shepherding During End Times” – from 1 Peter 5:1-4 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Suffer Well For Christ” – from 1 Peter 4:12-19 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Glorifying God as the End Draws Near – Part 2” – from 1 Peter 4:10-11 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.
Pastor Binoy Joseph, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic of “Glorifying God as the End Draws Near – Part 1” – from 1 Peter 4:7-9 as apart of the “Following Jesus in a Hostile World” series.