Guest Preacher Murray Capill, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, from Philippians 4:2-9.
Guest Preacher Juan Mulder, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic Rejoice Always from 1 Thessalonians 5:16.
Guest Preacher Dony Jacob, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, from James.
Guest Preacher Dr Wayne Vanderwier, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic “10 Reasons I Love the Church”.
Guest Preacher Graeme Campbell, recorded live from the book of Hebrews.
Guest Preacher Murray Caphill, recorded live at Grace Community Bible Church, on the topic “Rags to Riches” from Genesis 41.
Guest Preacher Dony Jacob, recorded live at Grace Community Bible, on the topic “Test of True Christianity” from James 1.
Guest Preacher Dr Daniel Wong, recorded live at Grace Community Bible, on the topic “Pray without Ceasing” from 1 Thessalonians 5.
Guest Preacher Joe Propri, recorded live at Grace Community Bible, on the topic “Make the invisible visible” from Ephesians 5:15-21.
Guest Preacher Jim Newheiser, recorded live at Grace Community Bible, on Parenting.